Three-phase asynchronous motor using manual
感謝你選用千業牌三相異步電動機。為充分發揮本產品的性能,使用前請詳細閱讀本使用說明書。Thank you for choosing Qianye three-phase-asynchronous motors. To maximize the performance of this product, plese read this manual at first.
This user manual is applicable for Y/Y2/YE3/YD/YZD/YDT series, exported shaped voltage motors, high-altitude motors, frequent starter motors, Frequency conversion motor high-speed three-phase-asynchronous motors etc.
二、結構形式及使用條件Second, the structure and Conditions of use
1、電動機外殼采用IP44/IP54/IP55等結構。1, The motor shell is using IP44/IP54/IP55 and other structures
2、環境空氣隨著季節變化,但不超過-15℃ ~ +40℃2, The ambient air changes with the seasons, but it should not be out of the range from -15°C to +40°C
3、海拔不超過1000M 高原電動機以標牌標示參數海拔高度為準 3, High- Altitude-Motor should be used according to the altitude parameter on its nameplate.
4、當電源電壓在額定值的3%之間變化時(頻率為額定值),電動機的輸出功率維持額定值。4, When the difference between the voltage of the power supply and its rating value is less than 3%(using rating frequency), the output power of the motor should be its rating value.
5、特殊訂做的電動機請參考標牌標示參數為準。5, Special customized motor should be used according to the parameters on its nameplate
三,安裝前的準備Third, pre-installation preparation
1.電動機使用前應該檢查電動機外表是否完善無損傷,有無受潮的現象。1. The motor should be checked before using, there has to be no damage on the motor outside, and the motor can not be damped.
2.檢查電動機的銘牌數據是否符合要求。2. Check the motor nameplate data to meet the requirements.
3.仔細檢查電動機在運輸過程中有無變形或者損壞,緊固件有無松動或者脫落,試著用手撥動轉軸,看電動機是否能靈活運轉。電動機的安裝3. Carefully check motor during transport without deformation or damage, fasteners loose or fall off, try to toggle the shaft by hand to see if the motor can operate flexibly.
4.電動機應該按照其結構形式正確安裝,電動機的軸伸直徑出廠前已精磨至標準公差尺寸,因此要求用戶所配套的皮帶輪或者其他配套零件的內徑尺寸一定要按照國家標準推薦的優先配合公差進行磨削或者鉸削加工。安裝時,用手推入或用榔頭輕敲至軸伸臺即可,嚴禁用錘猛擊,否則將損壞電動機的零件,造成電動機不能正常工作。4.You must assemble the electric motor according to the instruction types. The shaft’s diameter of the motor must be grinded according to the standard size of allowable drror. So the customers will grind or cut processing according to the national standard difference with complete leather belts or else parts. When you assemble it, you may push the shaft lightly not use the hammer to hit it or you will demage the parts.
5.In order to ensure the person’s safe, you must connect the earth conductor to the landing screw. The landing wire should be copper. Its cross area is being increased as the electric motor’s power is adding. The across area of little power motors should be not less than 1 square mm.
6.電動機的安裝應保證良好的通風冷卻條件,不可用于熱曬雨淋的場所。6.Install the motor should ensure good ventilation and cooling conditions, it can not be used for places with sun exposure or in rain.
四、電動機接線Fourth, the motor wiring
1、電動機Y/Y2/Y3/YE3系列電動機的繞組引出線為6根。YD/YZD/YDT系列雙速、三速及四速電動機根據不同繞組有可能為6/9/12根。1. There are 6 lead-out wires of the motor windings for Y/Y2/Y3/YE3 series. The number of the lead-out wires for the motor windings could be 6/9/12 depending on different windings types, for YD/YZD/YDT series two-speed, three-speed and four-speed motors.
2、電動機的旋轉方向從軸伸端視為順時針方向,任意對調三相電源線中的兩根,電動機可改變轉向。2. The rotation direction of the motor is clockwise (viewed from shaft extension end). Any swap between two of the three-phase power lines can change the motor steering.
注意:大極比S3(周期)工作制電動機空載試驗時間不宜過長,觀察電動機是否有異常現象,否則應迅速斷電檢查。 3. Connect the power lines in accordance with the wiring diagram(the lead-out wires of the YD / YZD / YDT series motor should be connected in accordance with its wiring diagramm). Power the motor with rating voltage the test it with no-load at first. Note: For motors with S3 operating system, the no-load test should not last too long. Observing are there any abnormal phenomenas, otherwise you should cut off the power supply immediately and check the system.
4、YD/YZD/YDT系列電動機是利用換引出線接線方法來控制轉速變化的。應注意以下4點YALX50-2F Y50/9/LX電機:4. YD / YZD / YDT series motor change the rotation speed by using different wiring methodes for the lead-out wires. Please pay attention to the following 4 points:
1、在高速切換為低速時,必須在切斷電源的同時,斷開2Y接線的中性點,以避免在低速繞組接通時引起電源短路。1. By switching from high speed to low speed, the neutral point of the 2Y wiring should be disconnected at the same time when cut off the power supply, in order to avoid causing power short circuit when the low-speed winding is connected.
2、在高速切換低速的過程中,必須待電動機停轉后,才能接通多速繞組電源,以減少對電動機及負載沖擊。2. Before switching from high-speed to low-speed, you should wait until the motor is stopped, and then connect the power supply, in order to reduce the impact on the motor and the load.
3、轉速切換要注意電動機轉向。3. Pay attention to the motor rotation direction when switching the speed.
4、頻繁啟動電動機/變頻電動機后置***冷風機應單獨供電,不可與電動機接線柱接電源。關掉電機電源,應該把風機電壓延時5-10分鐘,再切斷風機電源。4. After frequent starting the motor,Frequency conversion motor, the force cooling fan should be powered separately.Turn off the motor power, should put the fan voltage delay for 5-10 minutes, then cut off power supply fan.
五、電動機的運轉Fifth, the operation of the motor
1. 電動機應可靠接地, 接線盒內有接地標志, 必要時可利用電動機的底腳接地。1. The motor should be grounded, there should be grounding symbol in the junction box, the motor feet can be used for grounding if necessary.
2、電動機在額定條件下運轉,軸承溫度不超過95°,定子繞組***高不超過:B級絕緣80K(電阻法)、F級絕緣100K(電阻法) 2. When the motor is running in rated conditions, the bearing temprature can not exceed 95 °C, the stator winding can not exceed: 80K for B class insulation, 100K for F class insulation.
六、針對高原電動機在使用前,如果電動機帶有加熱帶電源接口注意事項:加熱帶使用環境為攝氏0°以下。環境溫度高于0°以上時,可以不使用加熱帶。加熱帶是在低溫下電動機停機時接通電源,防止電動機凍死不可再次啟動。使用時必須切斷加熱帶電源后,方能使用該電動機。以免產生火災。當電動機長時間停轉使用。需要重新使用時,必須提前4-5個小時接通加熱帶電源,等待電動機預熱后方可斷掉加熱帶電源再次啟動電動機。Sixth、Before using the High- Altitude-Motor, if the motor is equipped with extra power supply for the heater band, please pay attention: the heater band should be used for those environment, which is below 0°C。If the temperature of the environment is above 0°C, you don’t have to use the heater band. The heater band should be powered on when the motor is stopped in low temperature, to prevent the motor from freezing damage that it cannot be started any more. The motor should only be started, after that the power supply for the heater band is off, in order to avoid fire. When the motor has not been used for a long time, the power supply for the heater band should be turned on for 4~5 hours in advance, after that the motor is warmed up, the power supply for the heater band can be turned off, and then the motor can be used as usual.YDFE50-12F電機
七、電動機的維護YDLX50-13F電機seven、motor maintenance
1. 使用環境應該保持干燥,電動機的表面應該保持清潔,進風口不應該受塵土,纖維等的阻礙。1. The environment, in which the motor is operated, should be kept clean and dry, air inlet should not be hindered by dust or fibers.
2. 當電動機的熱保護及短路保護連續發生動作時,應該查明故障來自電動機還是超負荷或保護裝置整定數值太低。消除故障后方可投入運行。2. If the protective devices of the motor operate continuously, it should ascertain whether the fault is from overload operation, it can be put into operation again only after the fault has been eliminated.
3. 應保證電動機在運行過程中良好的潤滑,根據運轉情況不同每500~1000小時左右,即應補充或更換潤滑脂(封閉軸承在使用壽命期內不必更換潤滑脂)。運行中發現軸承過熱或者潤滑脂 YDLX60-12F44電機油變質時,應及時更換潤滑脂。更換潤滑脂時應清除舊的潤滑脂,并用煤油清洗軸承及軸承蓋的油槽,然后將潤滑脂填充軸承內外腔的1/2(2級)YDLX50-12F電機或者2/3(4,6,8級)。3. Should ensure that the motor is in running with good lubrication, according to the different operation conditions, every 500~1000 hours or so, the grease should be added or replaced (for closed bearing the grease does not need to be replaced in the whole life). If the bearing is detected with overheating or lubricating grease deterioration during operation, should change the grease in time. When changing grease, the old grease should be removed ar first, the
oil bearing and bearing cover of the oil tank need to be cleaned with kerosene, then grease 1/2 (level 2) or 2/3 (level 4,6,8) of the inner and outer cavity of the bearing.
4. 當軸承的壽命終了時,電動機運行時的震動及噪聲將明顯增大,檢查軸承的徑向游隙,更換軸承YCLX50-6F電機4. At the end of the bearing life, the vibration and noise will increase when the motor is running, check the bearing radial clearance and replace the bearing.
5. 拆卸電動機時,應該先卸下風扇,從非軸伸端(后端)取出轉子,注意防止損壞定子繞組或者絕緣KL-40-50電機。5. Remove the motor, the fan should be removed first, from the non shaft extension (the back end) out of the rotor. Attention, do not damage the stator winding or insulation.
6. 當電動機旋轉方向不符合要求時,調整電源相序即可。YDLX50-6F電機6. When the rotation direction of the motor does not meet the requirements, you can adjust the power phase sequence.
7. YDFE50-16F電機停置較長的時間后再次使用KHE400-10FB5電機 YCFE50-12F電動機應測量絕緣電YDLX50-9FRB電機。7. When the motor is holding for a long time after use, you should measure the insulation resistance.YDF50-16電機
八、運輸和貯藏eight、 transportation and storage
1. 電動機的運輸和貯藏不能倒置,不宜堆積,嚴防受潮。
2.庫存時應放于清潔、干燥、陰涼、無酸堿等腐蝕性氣體的環境中。1. During transport and storage the motor cannot be inverted. The motors should not be piled up, and damp has to be prevented.YDFE50-10F 電機YCLX50-4F YDFE50-40F電機 YDFE50-25F YDF50-12電機 YDF50-25電機YCFE50-9F電機 TWFE-50-80F YAFE50-3F 電機YDF50-40B3 YWF50-80 2. Motors should be placed in a clean, dry, cool, with no acid and alkali corrosive gas environment.